Full Spectrum Woman

Reclaim your deep feminine power to experience the extraordinary relationships, epic sex, and fully expressed life you crave. 

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Mentorship with Meg

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EP 83: Healing Through Rage, Pregnancy, and Intimacy with Angel Drake

August 14, 2024

The Pleasure Revolution
I'm Meg
Sex and relationship coach. Host of the top-rated podcast Sex, Love & Everything In Between. And biiiggg believer that you shouldn’t ever deprive yourself of the deep depth of your turn on. 
hey loves,
Work With Meg

Full Spectrum Woman

Ignite Your Intimacy

Meg O’Neill sits down with the incredible Angel Drake, who’s just weeks away from giving birth, for a deeply personal conversation that touches on everything from pregnancy surprises to the raw emotions of womanhood. Angel, Founder and CEO of The Somatic Healing Institute, shares her journey through pregnancy, she talks about the physical and emotional highs and lows, offering a real, unfiltered look at what it means to carry life.

They explore the profound power of being a woman, especially when it comes to embracing our authentic selves. Forget the pressure to be the “good girl”—Meg and Angel discuss how truly freeing it is to let go of society’s expectations and fully embody who we are. They also share the transformative experience of rage rituals, where women can safely express their deepest emotions and find healing.

This episode is filled with wisdom on healing from the past, embracing embodiment, and seeing birth as a spiritual journey.

They also riff off on:

  • Meg and Angel share the unexpected joy and fun of not knowing their baby’s gender until birth. Turns out, the surprise adds a lot of excitement and a few good laughs.
  • Meg talks about the not-so-glamorous side of pregnancy, including the infamous “lightning crotch,” bringing humor to the real challenges of carrying a child.
  • Meg and Angel discuss the power of rage rituals where women can safely express their deepest frustrations. It’s cathartic and might just be the key to emotional freedom.
  • They break down the pressure on women to always be “good girls,” encouraging listeners to embrace their true, messy, and authentic selves instead.
  • Angel shares her journey of fully inhabiting her body and shedding the weight of societal norms because who has time to be anyone but themselves?
  • Meg and Angel discuss how true intimacy is about staying curious and connected with your partner, even when life gets messy and complicated.
  • Both women share funny and relatable moments about pregnancy brain, proving that growing a human can lead to the most amusing experiences.
  • hey tackle the tricky topic of polarity, advocating for a better understanding of masculine and feminine energies in relationships because it’s not as simple as it sounds.
  • Meg and Angel explore the deep work of healing past trauma, showing that inner work is essential for truly fulfilling relationships.
  • They both have a beautiful discussion on birth as a sacred ceremony and the importance of surrendering to the experience, making it a spiritual journey.

and many more.

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CLAIMED: An in-person event who wants to feel deeply claimed by their partner:


Pleasure Portal – 14 day event – https://meg-oneill.com/pleasure-portal

⚡ JOIN TGOM here — https://www.theembodiedmaninstitute.c…

Ignite Your Intimacy: A 4 week course for couples ready for a sexier, wilder, more ALIVE relationship… NOW! — https://meg-oneill.com/ignite-your-in…

Jacob & Meg also coach individuals & couples. Reach out to them via Instagram for more information

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Hello my love
hello my love

I’m Meg O’Neill 

I used to withhold my desires, truth, and voice. At work. In my relationships. In all moments when that little voice of society came into my ear to whisper: “you have to stay small: no one likes a woman who is loud or chaotic or a whore.” 

Then, for just a moment, I wondered what it would be like to own my needs. To ask for what I want. To receive pleasure from my partner the way I want. To be fully ALIVE. 

Nearly a decade later, I’ve coached 700+ women to a deeper state of ALIVE-ness. Founded the Full Spectrum Woman program. And co-host a podcast for women and couples who refuse to silence the desires raging inside.