Full Spectrum Woman

Reclaim your deep feminine power to experience the extraordinary relationships, epic sex, and fully expressed life you crave. 

The Couples Course

Meet beyond a place of “who’s right.” For a wilder, sexier, more connected partnership.

The Pleasure Revolution

Unlock your orgasmic potential. To experience the most fulfilling, ecstatic sex of your life.





Mentorship with Meg

Reawaken your feminine power. Unleash your full spectrum expression. Experience deep Partnership & life you crave.

The pleasure revolution

A self-paced course for women ready to unlock their orgasmic potential & experience the most fulfilling, ecstatic sex of their lives!

The Female body is a magical, sexual masterpiece designed for mind-blowing sexual experiences

Every woman possesses the innate capacity to experience ecstatic pleasure, multiple orgasms & deep sexual aliveness

  • A majority of women do not experience the fullest expression of their own pleasure
  • We live in a world which is deeply deprived of education and knowledge around a woman’s pleasure and pussy
  • It was only 20 years ago that the actual size of the clitoris was discovered and mapped
  • There’s a lack of comprehensive sex education that has left you (and most women!) in the dark about the true potential that lies between your legs
  • You’ve never been truly taught about the magical, sexual masterpiece that is your pussy!!!!

And yet…

Lack of education around female arousal & sexual anatomy continues to perpetuate a culture where women feel broken…powerless…and small

✅ Have orgasms & sexual experiences that are MIND-BLOWING

✅ Feel your divine sexual power as a woman to a depth you’ve never felt before

✅ Understand (and study!!!!!) the space between your legs and how it is the doorway to the pleasure and orgasms you were designed for!!!

✅ Awaken the magical, sexual masterpiece that is your body  

It’s time for that to change!!!!

It’s time to:


The Pleasure Revolution

That’s where the Pleasure Revolution comes in

“Beautiful one...the time is now. To awaken your pleasure & orgasms. To LIBERATE your sexual energy & become a truly TURNED ON WOMAN. Are you ready?”

Meg xx

My love, does this sound like you?

❗You don’t orgasm as often or as deeply as you want to, you struggle to orgasm, or can only reach one type of orgasm

❗Sex feels like a chore sometimes – like you’re just grinning and bearing it 

❗You desire to be SEXUALLY ALIVE but the idea of self-pleasuring feels foreign…or you have no idea where to begin 

❗You’re done just having the kinda sex that’s like “WHAM, BAM THANK YOU MA'AM!” 

❗You desire to feel deeply turned on and satisfied in the bedroom
❗You expect your partner to know exactly how to pleasure you and turn you on when YOU don't even know how to do that yourself 

You'll get INSTANT ACCESS to 6 powerful pre-recorded masterclasses with teachings that will truly revolutionise the way you experience orgasm, sex & pleasure forever. Plus THREE guest masterclasses with sex & pleasure experts including Rosie Rees from Yoni Pleasure Palace.

What's included

9 x Masterclasses

Playlists. Book lists. Crystal Wand discounts. Journal prompts. Pleasure guides. And more. There's an abundance of extra juiiiice that'll have you truly stepping into the best & most fulfilling sex of your life.

Epic Bonuses

You'll receive guided self-pleasure practices with each module, to explore all that we're learning in your own body. From breast massage and pussy gazing to de-armouring and mapping your orgasmic geography. You'll have an abundance of tools to explore your pleasure potential and take it beyond the program.

10 x Guided Practices

You'll get INSTANT ACCESS to 6 powerful pre-recorded masterclasses with teachings that will truly revolutionise the way you experience orgasm, sex & pleasure forever. Plus THREE guest masterclasses with sex & pleasure experts including Rosie Rees from Yoni Pleasure Palace.

What's included

9 x Masterclasses

Playlists. Book lists. Crystal Wand discounts. Journal prompts. Pleasure guides. And more. There's an abundance of extra juiiiice that'll have you truly stepping into the best & most fulfilling sex of your life.

Epic Bonuses

You'll receive guided self-pleasure practices with each module, to explore all that we're learning in your own body. From breast massage and pussy gazing to de-armouring and mapping your orgasmic geography. You'll have an abundance of tools to explore your pleasure potential and take it beyond the program.

10 x Guided Practices


Are you ready to…

Fall in love with your pussy/Yoni/Vulva & Vagina (and actually understand her true anatomy & power!)

Become multi-orgasmic

Be more wild & unbridled in AND out of the bedroom

Feel FREEEE in your body, pleasure, and life

Create a juiiiiiiiicy self-pleasure practice

Explore your body with the reverence and devotion She deserves

Claim yourself as the turned-on-pleasure-filled woman you're here to be

Join a revolution of Queeeeeens changing the world by touching themselves!!


Revolutionising self-pleasure

  • Redefine what self-pleasure is to YOU! 
  • Shift out of “goal/achievement-focused” pleasure
  • Tantric principles of breath, sound & movement
  • Amplify your pleasure by tapping into touch & the felt sense
  • Why numbness is a gift

Unleashing your sex goddess

  • Working with the shadow & integrating sexual shame and guilt
  • Your subconscious + the stories you carry around sensuality, pleasure & sex
  • Gentle trauma release with pussy breathing
  • Emotional alchemy for deeeeeeeper levels of pleasure
  • Reawakening the primal sex Goddess you are!

Pleasure anatomy & meeting your pussy

  • Truly understand the anatomy & immense potential of your pussy/ yoni/ vulva & vagina (the shit they should teach us in school!!!!)
  • Create a relationship of deeeep reverence with your pussy
  • Powerful vaginal de-armouring practice for trauma release & healing

Unlocking your pleasure potential

  • Explore the vast possibilities for your pleasure
  • Breaking-free of addictive self-pleasure patterns & carving out new pleasure networks
  • The core ingredients to orgasm
  • The different types of orgasms (& how to experience them!)

Awakening your sexual energy

  • Tap into the deeeeep current of pleasure pulsing through you
  • Tantric practices for unleashing your powerful sexual energy
  • Orgasm as deeeep nourishment for your body
  • The art of sex magic


Stepping into your orgasmic future

  • Create an environment for sexual thriving
  • Self-pleasure as a lifelong practice
  • Truly owning your fully turned-on-pleasure-filled Self
  • The ripple effect of your pleasure revolution


It will transform your ENTIRE LIFE

Because a woman awakened to her sexual power is a woman awakened to her TRUE POWER. And that feminine power will ripple out into your ENTIRE LIFE‼

This program will not just transform your sex life...

Are you ready?

Meet your facilitator

Meg O'Neill: Sex, love & relationship coach

I’m here for your shameless sexual liberation

I support women to come home to their body, reawaken their sexuality, and show up in their FULL SPECTRUM (where not a single part of them is silenced). 

Any talk of sex used to have me cringing and bright red in the face. I used to feel so much shame around my body, my pleasure, my desires. I used to push down sooooo many parts of myself to keep others comfortable.

Today I live & lead from my pussy & pleasure. And there’s no better feeling on the planet.

So, sister, I know what it takes to shimmy out of society’s rules and create your own. I know how it feels to say “good-fucking-bye” to your “good girl” and remember your WILD WOMAN. 

I’m here to help you as you take this journey too.

A woman disconnected from her p*ssy is a woman disconnected from her power

The investment

Get instant access

$555 AUD

Step into your feminine power and experience sexual pleasure like never before


9 x Masterclasses - that will teach the true sex education EVERY woman should know so you can unleash the best sex & orgasms of your life. 

10 x Guided Pleasure Practices - From Pussy Breathing & de-armouring to Mapping Your Orgasmic Geography & Cervical Awakening... these practices will unlock pleasure you didn't know existed in your body. 

Epic Bonuses - Playlists. Booklists. Crystal Wand discounts. These bonuses will make sure you truly commit to your new path of pleasure.

The investment

$555 AUD

Step into your feminine power and experience sexual pleasure like never before



9 x Masterclasses - that will teach the true sex education EVERY woman should know so you can unleash the best sex & orgasms of your life. 

10 x Guided Pleasure Practices - From Pussy Breathing & de-armouring to Mapping Your Orgasmic Geography & Cervical Awakening... these practices will unlock pleasure you didn't know existed in your body. 

Epic Bonuses - Playlists. Booklists. Crystal Wand discounts. These bonuses will make sure you truly commit to your new path of pleasure.

Feeling called to the space but needing deeper clarity?

Questions other couples have asked: 


When does The Pleasure Revolution begin?

The moment you hit “let me in, Meg!” you'll receive immediate access to the course.


Is this LIVE or pre-recorded?

This is a pre-recorded course. You'll receive instant access to all of those recordings, along with bonus workbooks and pleasure play!


Are there refunds?

No. I don’t give refunds. I trust that if you’re feeling a “yes” – this experience is for you. 


No. Although in some practices I might offer up the option to use one or move towards self-pleasure - this is NOT necessary at all. And if self-pleasure is NOT something you're comfortable with quite yet - this is still for you!

If it is and you don’t have a wand, head over here.


I’ve never, ever done anything like this before - is this for me?

If you're feeling the pull (no matter how much 'experience' you have)... then YES!


What if I’m scared?

Perfect! That means you’re leaning into something that is about to shake and shift up your life. If saying YES to this doesn’t bring anything up for you - I’d say it’s probably not for you yet. 

A woman connected to her p*ssy is a powerful f*cking force in this world