Full Spectrum Woman

Reclaim your deep feminine power to experience the extraordinary relationships, epic sex, and fully expressed life you crave. 

The Couples Course

Meet beyond a place of “who’s right.” For a wilder, sexier, more connected partnership.

The Pleasure Revolution

Unlock your orgasmic potential. To experience the most fulfilling, ecstatic sex of your life.





Mentorship with Meg

Reawaken your feminine power. Unleash your full spectrum expression. Experience deep Partnership & life you crave.

 It’s time to start feeling like it. 

You’re a sexual masterpiece.

Contact Meg


How can I best serve you?



Thank you, my love! Our team will be in touch with you soon.

While you’re waiting for our response, why not check out our most recent podcast episode? (We promise things are kept real, raw, and unfiltered over there!)

I’m Meg O’Neill

I used to live in fear of being “too much.” I caged up my desires, kept my voice quiet in the bedroom, and “followed the rules” so that I would finally feel the depth of love that I truly craved. 

Then one day – during a ceremony at a retreat – I let myself feel the full force of my feminine power. I let all my pleasurable, untamed ALIVE-ness OUT. And from that moment on, I made a promise to myself – that I would never contort myself into a box again.

Now with my partner Jacob by my side, I unapologetically help women like you break out of the box that society tries to push all our raw, chaotic, uncontrollable emotions into. To light your sex, relationships, and life into a fiery state of true ALIVE-ness: without a single part of you ever being diluted. 

And this is a safe space for you to bring all of you to the table

These aren’t “wants.” They’re your birthright.

A fully expressed relationship…fully pleasurable sex…and a fully embodied LIFE.

Feeling called to the space but needing deeper clarity?

Questions other women have asked before joining our community:


Who are your programs for?

If you want to: A). Uncover the secrets of your own arousal for consistently epic orgasms or B). Take your relationships from conflicted to deeply connected or C). Discover how to reclaim your authentic voice in life so you stop saying “yes” when you really mean a resounding “hell the f*ck no!!”...

Then my programs are for you. 
That being said, my Full Spectrum Woman membership is a sex and relationship course primarily designed for women to come into deeper connection with themselves.

Igniting your Intimacy helps you find a sense of deep intimacy and “liberated ever after” with your partner, while feeling more in touch with your needs and more connected to theirs. This course was specifically designed for heterosexual couples. 

The Pleasure Revolution is centred around pleasure anatomy, pleasure arousal, and the true orgasmic potential of the female body. This is for any woman wanting to deepen her connection with her pussy to experience deeper levels of pleasure. 


What if I’ve never worked with a sex or relationship coach before?

Perfect! There's a first time for everything and many of the women that come into my world are exploring this work for the very first time. I'm devoted to creating deep safety for every woman that works with me - so you feel safe to explore the fullest expression of your pleasure, relationship, and life freely. 

I don’t want to say I’m hesitating…but I am. What do you think about that?

I get it. It took me years to stop playing the “good girl” role and finally embrace my fullest feminine power. I also hear women say they follow me on Instagram…unfollow me…follow me again over and over until they finally get the courage to come in touch with their own pleasure (because of how “taboo” society has tried to make it). 

I’ve also had women take my sex and relationship courses and say they’ve felt more in touch with themselves (and more in love with their partner) than they have in 30 years. 

I can’t take away the emotions holding you back right now. But I can say that if you’re wondering if finding just enough courage to come into your full power and express your truth every day for the rest of your life is worth it…it is. 
