Full Spectrum Woman

Reclaim your deep feminine power to experience the extraordinary relationships, epic sex, and fully expressed life you crave. 

The Couples Course

Meet beyond a place of “who’s right.” For a wilder, sexier, more connected partnership.

The Pleasure Revolution

Unlock your orgasmic potential. To experience the most fulfilling, ecstatic sex of your life.





Mentorship with Meg

Reawaken your feminine power. Unleash your full spectrum expression. Experience deep Partnership & life you crave.

I'm Meg


A sex and intimacy coach who helps you...

I used to judge women who were wild. Women who let the depths of their chaos roam. Women who embraced their inner animal, embodied their fullest sexuality, and spoke their desires unapologetically: inside the bedroom and out. 

“She’s too loud. Too sexual. Too opinionated. Too MUCH!”

I was so scared of being “too much” that I held down my desires. I became the “good girl.” Living by all the rules society told me were right, while believing that this was the path to being loved. (Always thinking: “Who do you need me to be? I’ll be that!”)

Own your desires, embody your full spectrum & become fully turned on by life

My love, this is what I found

When you land fully in your body, it shifts the whole way you do life

There was a day 6 years ago when my whole life changed. When, during one of the ceremonies at a retreat, I moved and danced my body in ways I never had before. 

For the first time, it felt like my body was moving me. Huge waves of pleasure and liberation washed over me. All the parts of me that I’d been told were “wrong” or “too much” suddenly came to LIFE!!!

And as my hips circled and this raw feminine power moved through my whole body – I suddenly began to bawl. 

I dropped to my knees and began to wail for all the women that came before me that never unlocked this part of themselves. My mother. My grandmother. My great grandmother. And many more.

Women who never felt safe enough to unleash the full spectrum of their feminine power. 


And to finally embody their full expression and depth of power. In sex, relationships, and life. 

Now I help women – women just like me, who have let parts of themselves go unexpressed – break down the walls of the little box that society has taught them to stuff themselves into. 

My story


“Taboo” topics left untouched


Podcasts recorded with my partner Jacob, a leader in men’s coaching


Women supported to new depths of aliveness through coaching

Woman… you are not here to be palatable

You are here to be a FULL SPECTRUM WOMAN

You are not here to bite your tongue. To hold back your truth. To sanitise your mess. Or to push down your “too muchness.”

From the beginning


Graduated B.A. in Psychology & Marketing. Found the world of spirituality & wellness.


Started “Adventuring Home” blog. Met Jacob at my local organic supermarket. 


Become a certified yoga teacher. 


Found the world of plant medicine. Journeyed to Peru with Jacob for a month of medicine work. Launched my first online course The Feel Good Focus. (Had 2 women sign up!) 


Went back to Peru with Jacob for another month of medicine work. Had my first ever sexual awakening during a ceremony. 


Started creating relationship content online with Jacob. Co-hosted our first retreat together.


Became a VITA Sex, Love & Relationship Coach. Founded Full Spectrum Woman: The Mentorship. 


Coached hundreds or women inside my programs & masterminds. My business grew 400%. Jacob proposed on our 7th anniversary (Listen to full story here.) 


Jacob & I got married in a 3-day Festival of Love. 


Started our podcast: Sex, Love & Everything In-Between. Transformed Full Spectrum Woman into a global membership! 


Became pregnant with our first baby!!!! 


Yes, I really do live the embodiment I teach

Years studying tantra, plant medicine, and psychedelics on a path to greater self-exploration and expansion.


Degree in Psychology, which almost sent me down the path to clinical psychology before I found coaching and greater feminine embodiment.


Years as a trained sex, love, and relationship coach.


Years with my partner Jacob, consciously creating a deeply connected and intimate partnership.


– Mackenzie

“Working with Meg enabled me to stand in my power, and find my voice in business and life."

"I am so much lighter, happier, and trust myself more than ever before!"

– Jacqui SIVE

"I highly recommend Meg’s coaching services to high achieving women who want it ALL. I’ve had HUGE results in my business, my relationship & my connection to myself & my Pussy! 

Your work changed my Life!

read their stories

Get to know Jacob

Meet Jacob

Jacob and I met in the supermarket one day over fruit and veg. Now Jacob leads by my side as the founder of The Gathering of Men and an expert voice on loving a fully-embodied woman. 

Together we explore what it means to live in a deeply devoted partnership, where the FULLNESS of your feminine power is celebrated every day. We talk more about this – real, raw, and unfiltered – on our top-charted podcast, Sex, Love & Everything in Between. 

A master coach in intimacy, relationships, and men's work – and my partner of 9+ years