Full Spectrum Woman

Reclaim your deep feminine power to experience the extraordinary relationships, epic sex, and fully expressed life you crave. 

The Couples Course

Meet beyond a place of “who’s right.” For a wilder, sexier, more connected partnership.

The Pleasure Revolution

Unlock your orgasmic potential. To experience the most fulfilling, ecstatic sex of your life.





Mentorship with Meg

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Ep 91: From Corporate to Tantra with Anthea Balfour

October 3, 2024

The Pleasure Revolution
I'm Meg
Sex and relationship coach. Host of the top-rated podcast Sex, Love & Everything In Between. And biiiggg believer that you shouldn’t ever deprive yourself of the deep depth of your turn on. 
hey loves,
Work With Meg

Full Spectrum Woman

Ignite Your Intimacy

It’s not about controlling the moment; it’s about surrendering to the tension and letting it transform you.

In this episode of Sex, Love & Everything in Between, Jacob gets raw and real with the incredible Anthea Balfour, a somatic psychotherapist and tantric healer, diving into the space where masculine strength meets vulnerability.

Anthea shares how Tantra and shadow work guide us into meeting the scariest parts of ourselves—our deepest fears, desires, and vulnerabilities—and how integrating this helps us heal and create true intimacy with ourselves and others. Through her work, Anthea has witnessed men and women transform their relationship to power, pleasure, and emotional integrity.

They also riff off on:

  • Understanding why men struggle to hold space without trying to fix or perform
  • The power of Tantra in helping us embrace our shadows and cultivate emotional and energetic integrity
  • How men can heal their fear of power and sex through the support of women
  • Breaking free from routine and stepping into true discipline—without losing your edge
  • How women can invite men into deeper connection without emasculating them
  • The fear women secretly harbor around strong men and how we can heal it
  • Building emotional integrity that actually fortifies your love life
  • And many more…

⚡ Loved this episode? Make sure to subscribe and leave us a review! We love hearing your thoughts and experiences.

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Jacob & Meg also coach individuals & couples—slide into their DMs for more info!

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Hello my love
hello my love

I’m Meg O’Neill 

I used to withhold my desires, truth, and voice. At work. In my relationships. In all moments when that little voice of society came into my ear to whisper: “you have to stay small: no one likes a woman who is loud or chaotic or a whore.” 

Then, for just a moment, I wondered what it would be like to own my needs. To ask for what I want. To receive pleasure from my partner the way I want. To be fully ALIVE. 

Nearly a decade later, I’ve coached 700+ women to a deeper state of ALIVE-ness. Founded the Full Spectrum Woman program. And co-host a podcast for women and couples who refuse to silence the desires raging inside.